This is the Commonwealth-standard system devised by the United Church Bureau of Supra-Commonwealth Registry for the protection of less-developed worlds that may not be ready to join galactic civilization, to give them an opportunity to develop on their own, and for regulation of commercial purposes.

Class I

Full Commonwealth membership with all rights, privileges, and responsibilities, including a voice on the Commonwealth Council, unrestricted commerce and cultural exchange, and transfer of information. This class is comprised of planets with native or imported population having high technology, and colony worlds that have achieved a specified level of development.

Class II

Associate Commonwealth membership. Population must have achieved a world government and an atomic or better level of technology. Population has some voice on the Council, and may send observers off-planet. Exchange of goods and transfer of technology is regulated.

Class III

Wardship planet is under Commonwealth and United Church protection. Status similar to Class II, but a world government as such is not required.

Class IVa

Dominant native sentients live at pre-atomic level of technology. Trade and exchange of information is restricted.

Class IVb

Dominant native sentients live at a pre-steam level of technology, or lower. Trade and exchange of information highly restricted. Feudal states often found at this level.

Class V

Pre-state culture(s). Clan to tribal society. Inhabited worlds not aligned with the Commonwealth, and newly-contact inhabited planets of which little is known.

Class VI

Hardship planetary conditions restrict native development to the point where Commonwealth assistance is necessary for the species to survive.

Class VIIa

Potential colony. Registered and surveyed worlds about to be colonized.

Class VIIb

Potential colony. Registered but not surveyed.

Class VIII

Frontier colony planet not developed enough in resources or population to qualify for Class I or II.

Class IXa

General colony planetary conditions and/or political situations make it unlikely higher status is likely to be granted. Commonwealth citizens on such worlds are represented via their respective home worlds.

Class IXb

As above, only with an appointed Resident Commissioner.

Class X

Commercial interests. In this class are worlds, moons, asteroids, and other bodies considered unsuitable for colonization, but presenting sufficient worth or characteristics deemed necessary for formal registry.


Stellar bodies on which a general or specific threat has been determined, or for other reasons that warrant a strict "hands off" policy. No communication made be made with any resident native species, and no landing may be made. Under guard by automated or manned vessels.

General Addenda:

1-All habitable planets are to be reported to the Church Bureau of Supra-Commonwealth Registry. Application for development may be filed within the specified time period thereafter. Any outpost or proposed colony site must be inspected and approved by the Bureau.

2-All habitable worlds have at least one scientific outpost or trading center.

3-No advanced weaponry may be imported to planets of Class IV or V. Such imports are permitted on Class II worlds under specified conditions.

4-Under regulations for Class IV planets, exploration by Commonwealth representatives or citizens must be pre-approved by the native government.